July 26, 2024

Coordinate Systems (Absolute & Relative)

Coordinate Systems:
– It is System to determine the unique point and it show the distance from the origin.
– X-axis and Y-axis are consider to show a point on 2 dimensional i.e 2 Coordinate System. In 2 Coordinate System two axis i.e X & Y are mutually perpendicular to each other.
– X- axis, Y-axis and Z-axis i.e three axises are consider for the 3 dimensional (3 Coordinate System). In 3 Coodinate Systems three axis are mutually perpendicular to each other.
– These coordinate systems are used in Autocad by using their Syntax we can execute.

Coordinate Systems

Coordinate Systems are divided into two i.e
1 – Absolute Coordinate Systems
2 – Relative Coordinate Systems

1 – Absolute Coordinate Systems:
– In Absolute Coordinate Systems all the points are measures from origin i.e (0,0).
– This Coordinate System is applicable when X and Y value is Known for 2 Coordinate Systems and X, Y and Z value is known for the 3 Coordinate Systems.
– X-Distance, Y-Distance i.e (X,Y) is the Syntax for Absolute Coodinate Systems.

Few are the Examples of Absolute Coordinate Systems

2 – Relative Coordinate Systems:
– In Relative Coordinate Systems the points are defined as the last reference point. Relative Coordinate Systems are divided into two
a) Relative Rectangular Coordinate Systems
b) Relative Polar Coordinate Systems

a) Relative Rectangular Coordinate Systems:
– In Relative Rectangular Coordinate Systems the point are based on the last entered point.
– In this Coodinate Systems location of a point is relation to previous point.
– @X,Y is the Syntax for Relative Rectangular Coordinate Systems.

Few are the Examples of Relative Rectangular Coordinate Systems.

b) Relative Polar Coordinate Systems:
– In Relative Polar Coordinate Systems point is discribed by the combination of angle and distance.
– This Coordinate System is the relation to angle and distance from one point to another point.
– @Length<Angle is the Syntax for Relative Polar Coordinate Systems.

Few are the Examples of Relative Polar Coordinate Systems.

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